coal treatment process

Recovery of platinum and synthesis of glassceramic from spent ...

Recovery of platinum and synthesis of glassceramic from spent ...

Recovery of platinum and synthesis of glassceramic from spent automotive catalyst via cotreatment process with coal fly ash Sun, Shuchen; Liu, Chuan; Xiao, Faxin; Tu, Ganfeng; Abstract. Publication: Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management.

Review on treatment technology of salt wastewater in coal chemical ...

Review on treatment technology of salt wastewater in coal chemical ...

2. Reuse technology of saltcontaining Overview. Reuse treatment refers to the further treatment of wastewater discharged from the production or treatment process that fails to meet the production requirements, and the whole or part of the treated water is recycled for production [17].The significance of the reuse treatment for coal chemical engineering projects lies in:

Current advances in coal chemical wastewater treatment technology

Current advances in coal chemical wastewater treatment technology

In the process of coal gasification wastewater treatment, in order to achieve a better treatment effect, ozone oxidation, or catalytic ozone oxidation is often used in combination with biotechnology such as MBR and biological fluidized bed. The laboratory has studied the treatment effect of coaltogas wastewater by the combination of ...

Coal explained Mining and transportation of coal  Energy ...

Coal explained Mining and transportation of coal Energy ...

Mining coal. Coal miners use large machines to remove coal from the earth. Many coal deposits, called coal beds or seams, are near the earth's surface, but others are deep mining methods allow coal miners to easily reach most of the nation's coal reserves and to produce about three times more coal in one hour than in 1978.

Preparation of CoalDerived Activated Carbon and Its Application for ...

Preparation of CoalDerived Activated Carbon and Its Application for ...

The process may occur naturally during coal stockpiling for the weathering (Aich et al. 2019; Maloney et al. 1982) ... It is thus suggested to operate the thermal treatment for preparation of coalderived ACs at the heating rate range 2040 °C (Tables and ).

A novel flue gas pretreatment system of postcombustion CO

A novel flue gas pretreatment system of postcombustion CO

Introduction. Global warming caused by greenhouse gas emissions is a serious environmental issue. CO 2 is the primary greenhouse gas, and fossil fuel power plants account for approximately 44% of annual global CO 2 emissions (Kotowicz and Bartela, 2012). Almost half of the total CO 2 emissions from China are from coalfired power plants, as coal is widely used for power generation (Xu et al ...

Coal treatment process Ergon, Inc.

Coal treatment process Ergon, Inc.

I claim: 1. A process for treating coal to reduce the level of ashforming impurities contained therein comprising: a. grinding raw coal to a particle size of less than about 40 microns in a substantially air free environment to form a coalfraction which comprises a major portion of hydrophobic coal particles and a minor portion of hydrophilic coal particles, and an impuritiesfraction ...

 Syngas Contaminant Removal and Conditioning

Syngas Contaminant Removal and Conditioning

Library. Syngas Contaminant Removal and Conditioning. Raw synthesis gas (syngas) from the high temperature gas cooling (HTGC) system needs to be cleaned to remove contaminants including fine particulates, sulfur, ammonia, chlorides, mercury, and other trace heavy metals to meet environmental emission regulations, as well as to protect ...

Progress of the technique of coal microwave desulfurization Springer

Progress of the technique of coal microwave desulfurization Springer

The coal blended for coking passes through a microwave reaction cavity at a frequency of 300 MHz300 GHz for treatment. In this pretreatment process, the coal layer thickness and length of stay in the reaction cavity should be controlled, the sulphurcontaining gases within the cavity should be exported timely, and it should be ensured that ...

Heat Integration for Phenols and Ammonia Recovery Process of Coal ...

Heat Integration for Phenols and Ammonia Recovery Process of Coal ...

The combined technical route of chemical separation, biochemical treatment, and depth treatment is commonly used to treat highly concentrated organic wastewater containing phenols from coal gasification in industry [3,4,5].The coal gasification wastewater contains concentrations of phenolic substances which will poison and inactivate the working flora in the biochemical treatment section.

10 Some Methods of Reducing Sulfur Oxides from Power Plants | Air ...

10 Some Methods of Reducing Sulfur Oxides from Power Plants | Air ...

The basic purpose of coal treatment for most uses to which coal was put, was to reduce the ash content of the coal but during the treatment process some of the sulfur was also removed. ... lowash coal) the Synthoil process of teh Bureau of Mines and the Hcoal process of Hydrocarbon Research Incorporated could be considered as likely process ...

PDF Mine Water Treatment Solutions for Discharge and ReUse Pall Corporation

PDF Mine Water Treatment Solutions for Discharge and ReUse Pall Corporation

A number of water treatment systems are in place, mainly in the gold, coal, nickel, and copper industries. The systems are installed at operational, industrial scale plants, where mine drainage or pit water, waste water from tailing storage facilities, and even "produced water" from coal seam methane production are treated.

Cumulative effects and metabolic characteristics of ... ScienceDirect

Cumulative effects and metabolic characteristics of ... ScienceDirect

Cumulative effects and metabolic characteristics of aromatic compounds in microbial cells during the biochemical treatment process of coal chemical wastewater. Author links open overlay panel Lu Yang a, Yongjun Liu a b, Aining Zhang a ... This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of a biochemical treatment system for coal chemical ...

A review on the coal gasification wastewater treatment technologies ...

A review on the coal gasification wastewater treatment technologies ...

The literature on treatment of the coal gasification wastewater is reviewed. An overview based on ammonia and phenol recovery, biochemical treatments and advanced treatment technologies is presented with the purpose of unveiling the reasons behind problems of high concentration of persistent organic pollutants being added in the environment from coal gasification wastewater operations.

Mercury removal by mild thermal treatment of coal ScienceDirect

Mercury removal by mild thermal treatment of coal ScienceDirect

A new technology for removing mercury from coal by mild thermal coal treatment using a rotary kiln is presented. Experiments performed at the large laboratory scale show that 93% of the mercury is removed; moreover, the thermal properties of the fuel obtained from the process are also improved. In this article, we describe the physicochemical ...

Overview of Drinking Water Treatment Technologies | US EPA

Overview of Drinking Water Treatment Technologies | US EPA

The work breakdown structure (WBS) model can estimate costs for a process to add phosphoric acid or zinc orthophosphate into a water pipeline at an existing drinking water treatment plant. It can estimate the cost of phosphate feed using different chemical formulations, if the user provides appropriate inputs for the alternative chemical ( ...

Integrated assessment of the environmental and economic ... ScienceDirect

Integrated assessment of the environmental and economic ... ScienceDirect

The synergetic mercury removal by flue gas treatment process in coalfired power plants is widely accepted, but there is a lack of a corresponding model to describe mercury transformations. In this work, a model for mercury transformations is established in a flue gas treatment process model using Aspen Plus.

Mine Water Treatment | Veolia Water Technologies

Mine Water Treatment | Veolia Water Technologies

The process of dealing with — or remediating — a closed mine site can come with several key issues and challenges, especially from a water treatment perspective. At the end of their productive working lives, it is vitally important to ensure that mines are managed in a manner that mitigates or eliminates any potentially adverse effects.

Review on treatment technologies of coal gasification wastewater in ...

Review on treatment technologies of coal gasification wastewater in ...

Biochemical treatment is the main process of coal chemical wastewater treatment (Zhao and Liu, 2016). 90% of the pollutants are removed through the biochemical section (Shi et al., 2020a). COD and NH 3 N in the influent are 2000 mg/L and 120 mg/L, and that in the effluent are 200 mg/L and 20 mg/L, respectively (Zheng et al., 2020).

Conceptual design and retrofitting of the coal ... ScienceDirect

Conceptual design and retrofitting of the coal ... ScienceDirect

The coalgasification wastewater treatment is the most difficult pollution control task for coalgasification plants. It is identified that there are two serious problems occurring in the current treatment process,, low performance of phenols removal and plugging induced by ammonia salts. A new treatment process is proposed in this paper to solve these severe problems and pursue clean ...

PROTECT Team Awarded Patent for New Water Treatment Process

PROTECT Team Awarded Patent for New Water Treatment Process

The process can be used to treat a range of contaminants because it can be coupled with other treatment methods and technologies, making it practical to use in multiple systems. The one drawback of the Fenton process is the formation of a toxic ferric sludge byproduct, which is treatable but at a substantial cost.

Optimization study of sodium hydroxide consumption in the coal ...

Optimization study of sodium hydroxide consumption in the coal ...

Optimum process conditions were selected based on the minimum loss of NaOH and maximum PD (so that reactor volume required per ton of raw coal treatment can be minimized) along with the desired ...

Pyrolysis: Pathway to Coal Clean Technologies | IntechOpen

Pyrolysis: Pathway to Coal Clean Technologies | IntechOpen

What is coal pyrolysis: coal pyrolysis involves subjecting coal to high temperature of 400450°C, in the absence of oxygen. When oxygen or steam is present, coal will start burning, and the process is no longer known as pyrolysis but rather referred as combustion and gasification. The benefits of coal pyrolysis are enormous and are listed ...

Coal Processing Multotec

Coal Processing Multotec

Coal processing or coal beneficiation uses physical (mechanical) and/or chemical methods to remove rocks, dirt, ash, sulphur and other contaminants and unwanted materials to produce highquality coal for energy in both local and export markets.. Multotec manufactures a complete range of equipment for coal processing plants, from the Run of Mine () stockpile to the tailings dam, including:



In this paper,treatment process of coal chemical industry is described mainly, such as pretreatment process,biochemical treatment process and polishing process. Through the recovery of phenol and ammonia and the treatment of wastewater from abroad, the new technology of wastewater treatment in coal chemical industry was expounded.

Oxidation mechanism for coalassisted water ... ScienceDirect

Oxidation mechanism for coalassisted water ... ScienceDirect

Coalassisted water electrolysis can be used to produce pure hydrogen under mild conditions and reduce the electricity consumption required for water electrolysis by 4060% while achieving clean utilization of coal. However, the kinetics for the process are very slow, and the mechanism has not yet been fully understood.

Research on zero discharge treatment technology of mine wastewater

Research on zero discharge treatment technology of mine wastewater

In order to solve the problem of mine water treatment in the production process of coal mine enterprises, the source and characteristics of mine water are introduced, and the zero discharge technology of mine water is studied and applied in engineering, the zero discharge technology of mine water includes three stages: pretreatment, concentration and reduction, and evaporation and crystallization.

Modeling the Coal Tar Pitch Primary Carbonization Process MDPI

Modeling the Coal Tar Pitch Primary Carbonization Process MDPI

The properties of the carbon materials obtained as the final product of coal tar pitch carbonization process are a consequence of the type of chemical and physical phenomena occurring through the process. A new simplified approach for modeling of the primary carbonization is presented to provide the semiquantitative knowledge about the process useful for improving the efficiency of the ...

Frontiers | Characteristics of coal oxidation and spontaneous ...

Frontiers | Characteristics of coal oxidation and spontaneous ...

The characteristics of oxidized spontaneous combustion of coal can reflect the performance of coal, and an appropriate structural model can reflect it more intuitively. In this study, samples from Baishihu Coal Mine were used to study the macromolecular structure, microcrystal structure, and oxidation process of coal by Xray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), carbon nuclear magnetic resonance ...

Simulation and Operational Optimization of RO Based Desalination for ...

Simulation and Operational Optimization of RO Based Desalination for ...

5. Operational Optimization of the Membrane Treatment Process for CoalFired Power Plant Wastewater. Through the above simulation analysis, it is clear that the goal of the lowest specific energy consumption and daily average operating cost of the system can be achieved by adjusting the feed conditions of the system.

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